Welcome to my Webpage!!!!!!

Follow your dreams, believe in yourself and don’t give up
— Rachel Corrie

They tell me that if I want to become an artist when I grow up, one needs a web page. Well, I may be officially "grown up" but my art is at a very young stage. But, with aspirations of making something substansial with my art, expert now advise strongly, strongly recommends that every artist should have their own webpage.  It is the way to get yourself on the map. 

So..................Drum roll please.................Welcome to my webpage. 

Here will be a place for all my art to go to be displayed to the masses. As I am learning and growing in my art I will now be able to share the experience with everyone. I hope to use the blog to comment on my artistic process, others artistic inspirations and anything else substantial in my life that I think needs to be here.  Thanks to everyone that is supporting me, it means a lot.